Here's the script from our presentation so that you may peruse it and find out what you may have missed!
Maria Tatar MT:
Hello I'm Maria Tatar and this is "The Surreal World". Welcome to the Wizard of Oz reunion show. Let's have our first guests Lion, Scarecrow, and Tin Man. Come out onto the stage. Hello guys. Now its been eight months since we've seen you so remind us in your own words what was your first encounter with Dorothy Gail like?
Scarecrow SC: Dorothy came skipping along and I was hoping she'd be afraid of me, but nope. She just started to walk right by but didn't know which fork of the road to take: so I decided to teas her pointing one way then the other. Dorothy was nice. She consoled me about my inability to scare crows or her I guess nice guys really do finish last. But she was kind enough to exploit me from the pole I'd never lost. Whew, what a relief that was! At first i could barely walk, which she helped me with too; and then we skipped off down that yellow trail.
Tin Man TM:
Lion L: When I first met Dorothy she was already with that twit scarecrow and the man of metal. I was hanging out in the forest when I heard them coming. They were talking about the need to protect some little creature I later learned to be Dorothy's dog Toto. I figured it would be pretty fun to give them a scare. See at the time I had a real inferiority complex, and scaring other creatures, especially humans, gave me a false sense of manliness. Being the King of Beasts, I had an act to put on, you know a reputation to uphold. Anyway, I jumped out of the trees, hit scarecrow, sending him flying off the road, knocked Tin Man over, he was pretty light on his feet for a man made of tin, if you know what I mean, and then went for Toto. This is the point in the story when mighty Dorothy decided she wanted to be the courageous one. She jumped in and with one cheap shot, slapped me across the nose, ruining all my fun. After Dorothy laid the quilt trip on me , like all women do, I broke down like the coward I was and told them my dilemma. They then told me they were on their way to see the wizard, I figured I should do the same. I figured if this wizard could give someone a heart or brain transplant he could surly get me off the liquid courage and on some real courage And so began my journey with Braids, Tin and SC.
MT: Ok now that we have the story started lets hear from our next two quests, some know her as Elphaba, from her role in "Wicked" were she plays a younger version of herself, but most know her from her time in Oz the Wicked Witch of the West, and the man himself the Wizard. So lets get right to it. Wicked Witch I think we'd all like to know, what is your issue with Dorothy, and is there anyway you and her could have a better relationship.?
Wicked Witch WW: Well from the moment she arrived she was a nuisance, stealing peoples stuff and killing their relatives. I mean my relatives are always getting screwed. Like my cousin, Powerful Enchantress, her neighbor 's stupid wife just had to have some rapunzel from my cousins garden. Does he ask, no just take, take, take, they think they can take advantage of my kind, and this little hoodlum just parks her house right on my sister, and steals her ruby slippers. (You here that back there,) they are ruby not silver, I mean come on my sister had better taste then to buy silver shoes, that little hussy just wants to mislead everyone, so she doesn't have to account for my property. She did throw water on me, an alleged accident, but I did start her friend on fire. And I guess I did over react a little bit, trying to kill her and all. But all that aside, Id say were even if she returns my beloved sisters shoes.
MT: Now wizard What was your first encounter with all these guys like?
WO: I don't know what the hell everyone was on, but I remember our first meeting quite clearly. I was sitting in my throne room, minding my own business, when the green guard tells me that a little girl, a lion and a scarecrow, a tin man, and a rat-like beast are waiting to see me. Now I hate being told when to see people, I much prefer to admit them at my own leisure, if I admit them at all. It had been years since anyone had requested an audience with me. So I let the intruders stew for a few days, waiting without word as to when I would let them in. Finally I decided that they had waited long enough and I let them enter. I had finished the Emerald city Times crossword puzzle, so I really had nothing better to do anyways. It took them forever to walk the thirty-three feet down the hall to my throne: It was like they were walking in slow motion. They were holding hands and looking behind them every step, I think they were having a freak-out. When they saw the Great and Terrible Wizard of Oz, and heard me say, "I am every where, " the lion had a major breakdown and ran screaming through on of my glass windows. Do you have any idea how much it costs to replace a fifty foot glass pane in this market? The window was back-ordered for six months and it took another month just to install it when your labor force is munchkin! And did I ever get reimbursed by the Lion or any of Dorothy's friends? Not on your life, cheap bastards! Well, yeah, so my first encounter was rather frustrating.
MT: And now let's bring out the woman of the hour. Dorothy Gail. Well, hello Dorothy, I see you've gained some weight since the last time we saw you. This might be a redundant question, but can you describe for us how your adventure to Oz has changed you life.
Dorothy DG: In the morning I was trying to save Toto form my nasty witch of a neighbor and by the afternoon I was spinning through a tornado portal which transported me to another realm of existence. Talk about a life change. When I got there, after my house landed on an ugly broad, and I met a woman named Glenda. She was so beautiful. I was thinking I was on like Top Model or something, but then she told me she was a witch and that the munchkins thought I was one too. (Munchkins, what the hell are munchkins) That's when I knew I wasn't in Kansas anymore. Anyway I had always thought witches were ugly...
WW: Hey, I resent that remark.
DG: Don't you mean resemble? Anyhoo- Glenda explained that only bad witches were ugly, I'm thinking I must be the best damn witch around, because I'm hot. Then UGLY over there showed up and I knew she was obviously bad cause she was like super ugly.
WW: Hey I'm right here. You wanna go.
DG: I'm just answering the question settle down over there witch. So, she starts harassing me about my silver slippers. Silver1 Damn movies. I was thinking who do I talk to, to get of this wackadoo show, and Glenda sends me down this weird yellow road, that's when I ran into straw brains. Trust me when I say EVERYTHING was made of straw. He was like supper stupid too!
SC: Hey
DG: Who would have thought one day he would prove Steve Hawkings wrong? Then I met this beast of a man. I find hairy men very sexy, it's a fetish. Let me tell you with my help he hound more than his courage! As you can see. I think Ill name him sphinx
CL: Worra worra, you don't have any proof.
DG: Anyway, after that I met metal man over there. He was handy with more than his axe, but what a crybaby, I don't really go for the sensitive guys.
TM: (crying) I thought you love me.
DG: I got totally high off opium, got tortured , killed the ugly witch , at least I thought I did, awkward, met the wizard, who was a total perv, and a fraud, and then clicked my heals and ended up back home. All was good till they made that damn movie. After the surreal world and that movie no one would leave me alone. It's Oz this and wizard that! So I changed my name to Alice and took what I thought was a morning sickness pill and ended up down a rabbit whole, but that's a different story.
MT: Now let's address our missing character. Wicked Witch, why do you think Glenda decided not to make an appearance on our show today?
WW: Well, her and I are like second cousins twice removed or something, she just doesn't like to admit it cause she's a "good witch" and doesn't want to be associated with me, but I know for a fact that she's not that "good." Cause she slept with the wizard just to get on this show, and she can't even do any magic. It was my sister's ruby shoes that took Dorothy home after all, and any hack with half a brain can transport around in Oz. I mean look what I did with the water thing. (Thought I was dead, stupid twit.) So, basically she didn't show up cause she's been embarrassed ever since the show, when she claimed to be a "Good witch." Plus she's kind of laying low due to the fact that the rest of our witch relatives are pretty pissed about her disowning the family. She thinks that just because she doesn't carry the green gene she can claim to be a "good witch"
MT: Now that we have addressed the missing witch. Lets dig a little deeper. Scarecrow. What would you say was your favorite part of the journey with Dorothy?
SC: Well, I really only enjoyed the first part of the trip, when Dorothy and I were alone. Since I met her first we got to spend some intimate time together. She's a different person when we're alone. She makes me feel smart. In fact she showed me things I'd never seen or experienced before. I'll admit it, she was my first, and she certainly rocked my straw!!
TM: (Crying again) You said I was your only one.
SC: It was the same afternoon we met, a little farther down the yellow high way of love. She suggested we take a break in the corn fields. As we frolicked through the corn we grew tired and found a shady spot, near some apple trees, all of the sudden Dorothy threw me down and proceeded to expose my most intimate piece of straw. Of course a minute later after we were done, it was a little awkward. But Dorothy that damsel with red slippers, reminded me we must keep going an so we returned to the road. Then we found the Tin Man and Cowardly Lion and Dorothy completely forgot about me. (begins to cry)
MT: Well that was explicit. Lion same question. What was your favorite part of the adventure?
MT: Wizard. How do you explain your exploitation of a young girl into doing your dirty work?
WO: Well, what was I supposed to do? After the Wicked Witch of the West and her fleet of flying monkeys defeated ma and took control of Winkie Country, I had a real problem on my hands. Half blinding the witch, by poking out one of her eyes, did nothing to deter her and I couldn't ask my people for help because I was the Great and terrible OZ, and everyone was terrified of me. When I heard through the Munchkin vine (they love to gossip) that a girl and her strange beast had dropped a house on the Wicked Witch of the East, I knew I had to have her help. How was I to know she was so young and beautiful, if a bit slow on the uptake? Who else was I going to find that could be manipulated into risking their lives to kill a witch they had never even met? When opportunity knocks, the bastard inside!
MT: Lion, do you think the horse of a different color had anything to do with the after effects of the opium you consumed earlier in the day?
CL: I'll admit my perceptions were off that day. I mean there's no way I'd jump across a gulf carrying all those guys on my back. And I definitely wouldn't mount a tramp like Dorothy over there without using a condom. And for a while there I really thought the wizard had a ball of fire for a head, so yeah I'm sure it had to be the opium, or some other psychedelic drug. I was really bad off in those days due to that fact that I used drugs and alcohol to compensate for my lack of courage.
MT: In the book you're described as a feminist and in the movie your a twit, and on our show you seem to be some what of a slut. Which is your real personality?
DG: Well, I'm all three I guess, I got my degree in feminist studies with a focus on Matilda Jocelyn Gage, so that accounts for my ________(Strong feminist term to describe his/her promiscuity). But I must be a twit to have slept with these losers.
MT: How did you feel about the gang revealing your true Identity?
WO: I told them to get lost after they had killed the Wicked Witch. I knew I couldn't keep my promise to reward them with a brain, hear courage, or home. I was, after all, only "making believe" as a wizard, a big ol' Humbug. But instead of them listening to Oz, the lion began to protest. Like he had any right to demand something of me after he destroyed my window! The little rat beast was so frightened by the lions nagging, that he knocked over the screen that so cleverly hid me from sight. There goes thirty years of careful publicity and image propaganda! My publicist was pissed, and so was I too say the least,. But I suppose it had to happen some time or other.
MT: Lets open up the floor to all of our audience.
Audience Member 1: Lion, How was your family life growing up? Lions are infamous for their rage. Was your family pretty mellow and passive?
CL: (neglect)
AM2: Scarecrow, how hard is it to fend off birds? Do you really think a degree is necessary for your line of work?
AM4: Were you a bit frightened when you were completely surrounded by munchkins? I certainly would have been!
MT: How has Oz changed since Dorothy, the Wicked Witch, and the Wizard left?
CL: Since our adventure to see the wizard I have realized that I have always been courageous and now I rule the forest like a real king of Beasts should. And I might add I'm a damn good king.
SC: That broad left me alone and miserable , with no explanation why she wouldn't talk to me again. So what was i to do? You guessed it , drink.
TM: That's no way to solve your problems.
SC: I've been hitting the bottle ever since she clicked her beautiful heals together. It's really quite amazing how much you can drink when your made of straw, but the hangovers are vicious, plus your much more flammable. But, I have also earned a degree in ________________. But you never get over your first love.
MT: How have you changed since leaving Oz?
WO: After I made sure the balloon would leave without Dorothy and her mutt, I set my course for Florida, instead of Kansas or Nebraska. Why the hell would a former-ruler of an Emerald City ever go back to entertain those corn shuckers? I had heard about a wonderful city, where there were lots of little munchkins just waiting and hoping to be conquered by a Great and Terrible Wizard. So I let my balloon drift over the desert and into a wondrous place called , by the local Munchkins, Disney World. There I watch over all the little Munchkins in the Magic Kingdom, from a secret room in Cinderella's castle. And I'm used to going incognito, so it's no problem dressing up like a giant rat, if that's what they're into.
MT: What are your plans now?
DG: After I give birth to little sphinx here. I'm gonna have a sex change, exchange my name for a Brandon, don't you think that sounds like a strong name, and Attend MSU Bozeman to continue my education. I heard about this dreamy professor Sexson. I'm like totally excited!
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